Saturday, June 6, 2009

When In Doubt Adjust

This weekend was crazy! Yes, I know that technically the weekend is not over... but since Matt works weekends I don't really consider weekends like a normal person would. This week the weekend started at Thursday and ended Saturday afternoon. We went to our Synod Assembly. It's a gathering of all of the Lutheran Pastors and 2 representatives from their church in the area. There was a lot of drama that I will not go into because that's not me and my personality. I really dislike confrontation!

But the parts that I will mention. Every year I put together (with a team) the breakfast for the spouses of pastors. It's called Spouses of Servants. (don't ask, really long boring story) and since there are both Women and Men in the group of all ages it's really tough to provide entertainment that will speak to everyone. This year we hosted a drum circle that my churches Parish Nursing program has. I was so proud to be a part of my church! Those ladies did a phenomenal job! Here's the video of the pictures that I put together since I didn't get near enough video to do it justice.

On the drive down (Thursday afternoon) since we didn't have any place to plug in the blender in my car and didn't have the time to stop and find anywhere... We modified our diet. Instead of having a shake for lunch we stopped at Sheetz (local gas chain in the PA region) and picked up a Chef Salad for me and a Chicken Salad for Matt. Now I know those of you who don't have Sheetz in your area are shaking your heads wondering why in the world would I choose a gas station to pick up food? It's really good food! And it's all made to order that's why I got it with double meat and eggs and cheese added on. So that I could be sure that we got our 8 ozs of protein. No worries at least 8ozs, maybe more. Then we had shakes for dinner and continued on our diet.

Then on Friday a group of us normally go out to Ci Ci's Pizza Buffet for lunch since it's fast and we only get an hour. They provide a lunch at the assembly but it's really expensive and not worth it. Besides we don't get to the "big city" of Altoona very often. But this year we had decided to have a (semi) healthy lunch instead of our lunch shake and since carbs are a no no we convinced everyone that maybe we should go to Ponderosa instead. YUM they had a decent salad bar and I ordered the chicken breast. Matt had the steak and really wasn't impressed. But the meats on the salad bar were tasty so we enjoyed ourselves. Then had my mid afternoon shake and then went out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner El Campasino I ordered the taco salad and Matt got the fajita salad... Which we kept to our diet by not eating the tortilla bowl. And then skipped our evening shake.

Saturday was very similar to Thursday since we were travelling back at around lunch time. Had our meal at lunch instead of dinner and continued the diet like normal.

What I'm really trying to get at is that life doesn't have to stop just because you're on a diet. I did have to forgo eating breakfast with the spouses... but I had coffee instead and kept busy by talking about my diet. So don't think that you have to chain yourself to your house for the next 28 days to lose weight. It can be done. If you are flexible. But the real test will be steping on the scale next week. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Wow Kim you are really serious about this (not to say I doubted you, but if it was me, I would have been off it, have no self control when it comes to food. I am proud of you, that is absolutely awesome. Good for you and Matt. Crazy how busy you were, but you made it work. And that is what it is all about. Way to go.

  2. Kim's right. If anything, it pays to get out and do stuff. There's alot less temptation to snack or cheat if the free food isn't sitting 12 feet away and you're already occupied with picking out a video/swimming/shopping/working/mowing/walking/talking with neighbors/washing the car/traveling/etc. You might WANT to move your healthy single meal to be with others, but you CAN do that on this diet. Just stick to the macros.
