Friday, June 12, 2009

Week 3 Day 21 Weigh In

Well I can honestly say this is probably the lowest point. Right now I'm just ready to be done with this whole thing. I'm gonna stick it out but if tomorrow was the last day I'd be ok with it. I have made minimal progress. Still on the upside more than I've ever done on any diet or excersize plan. But if you're looking for a miracle.... it doesn't exsist.
Height: 62"-- 62"-- 62" --- 62"
Weight: 210 lbs --204.5 lbs -- 203lbs ---201.75 lbs
Neck: 15.75" --16"-- 16"--- 15.5"
Shoulders: 46.25"-- 44.5"-- 46.34" --- 46"
Chest-Upper: 43.5"-- 42"-- 42"--- 42"
Chest-Lower: 46.5"-- 45.25"-- 46" ---45.75"
Waist-at Navel: 48.25"-- 48"-- 45.5" ---45"
Waist-at Largest: 51.5"-- 50"-- 50" --- 49.75"
Hips-at Largest: 50.5"-- 48.25"-- 47.5" --- 47"
Upper Arm- L: 15.5"-- 14.5"-- 14.5" --- 14.5"
Upper Arm- R: 15.5"-- 14.75"-- 14.5" --- 15"
Upper Leg- L: 26.5"-- 22.5"-- 21.5" ---22"
Upper Leg- R: 27.75"-- 22.75"-- 22.5" --- 22"
Lower Leg-L: 15.5"-- 15.75"-- 15.5" ---15.5"
Lower Leg-R: 16.25"-- 16.50"--15.5" --- 15.5"
BodyFat %: 42.6%-- 37.2%-- 36.7% --- 36.3%
So as you can see. Not enough change to even post about. I'm forcing myself to write this, just so that other people will know. How this diet works for women of my size and shape.
We had Chinese food tonight. Only decent was the only comment that can be made about it. All of the good stuff we weren't allowed to have. And my son (the one that is allergic to eggs) wouldn't leave me alone long enough to eat my egg drop soup.

Grocery shopping was torture... I thought I'd hit the produce section up. The smells of the fresh fruits were amazing! And I could have none of it. The whole grocery store was filled with food I can't eat. And we're making cakes for church on sunday. Do you know how hard it is to make a cake without sneaking any of the icing? You have to wash your hands BEFORE you get to lick them... not after! It's so not fair!

Can you tell I'm just whining? I'll be better tomorrow.


  1. Can I just say I feel like such a horrible friend. I have been so busy caught up in my life, work and the whatever that I have not checked your postings.
    I am so sorry. And can I say that it sucks and it sucks in catastrophical (not the right word, but please work with me) levels. You are doing this to see some results and darn it it's not working. At this point can I say that I am sure it's not you. You are busting your behind to do this. You are not sitting back and then complaining why there are no results. You are working for it. Just that alone, should give you such sense of pride and accomplishment.
    Loosing weight, it's not easy, it's darn hard and it's nearly impossible for some. You do everything right and you don't see it. Then you look at your neighbor (figuratively speaking) and they are complaining with their size 8 figure cause they look so "fat". That only shows you that sometimes we are harder on ourselves that others are on us. While you are not achieving the results that you wanted, look at the numbers. You will, at the end of this diet, be close/or there at the hundreds. The hundreds!!! That is an accomplishment on itself.
    When this is over you should be proud of yourself for sticking with it, doing it and completing it. Many of us start so many things, very few of us finish them. Congratulations for that.

  2. Mara, You are an Awesome friend! I'm so glad you're in my life. Thank you.
