Friday, May 29, 2009

Yes I Really Do Clean At 10 pm

In my life I've had more than one person comment on how it's weird that I clean at night. So let me publicly defend my position.

I clean at night for the kids. Yeah let's not go into the concept that I did this before I had kids but since we're dealing with now... I clean at night for the kids. I can't get into the bathroom by myself without having a child trailing after me. And heaven forbid if I run the bath! They want in. The only way to get a bath all to myself is run the kids out and lock myself into the bathroom. Well add to the fact that I have a bathroom vent that's from the 50's and works exceptionally well. (it sounds like a dying robot banging against a tin roof) It was so bad that we disconnected it an just leave the bathroom door open if you don't mind the lack of privacy. But I don't want my kids breathing in the bathroom cleaning chemicals that make be cough and choke and wheeze. I'm 3 times their size and heavens only knows what it's doing to me... remember we want better for our kids. So I clean with the door open to vent and the window when it's not 40 below.

I also have found that the easiest way to clean the bathroom (especially the tub) is inside the tub. That way you can get all of the nooks and crannies without creating cricks and crevasses in yourself. And since I've ruined too many decent shirts, shorts and comfy pants (remember I'm a plus size munchkin. It's not easy finding clothes that fit my girth and height) by getting bleach stains on them from leaning over the tub or splashing myself. My solution? Clean in your birthday suit. Then wash thought when finished. Ta-Da no more bleach spots on my clothing. (you know you're jealous you hadn't thought of it first) And no parent wants to add to their poor kids future therapy bills by having the traumatized by seeing their parent in such a state of dishabille.

So I've found that it's easier to clean (at least the bathroom) after they've gone to bed for the night.

1 comment:

  1. LOL I do most of my cleaning at night. Laundry is best done at 11 pm-midnight. Less confusion, interruptions and less people. I suffer from insonmia at times, and it's during those times that you can eat food of my floors. :-)
