Thursday, May 28, 2009

7 Days - 22 Days Left

I don't think this post is going to be witty. Sorry guys. Some days I just don't got it.

Here is a picture of the deadlift platform in our gym. My workout partner painted it with the design that I came up with for our logo. (yes I know it's a home gym) Matt's thinking of getting T-shirts made up. I have no idea what I'm gonna do with that many Rev's Gym t-shirts but hey.

So here I am drinking another shake. This was is vanilla that I flavored with one small spoonful of instant coffee and a small spoonful of cocoa powder. Then since it was my late after noon shake and I didn't get a chance to drink it all before dinner I stashed it in the freezer. But I didn't get to it in time it froze semi-solid. But I left it out while I put the kids to bed. Now it's that milkshake consistancy YUM!

Finally found the 2nd blender lid. Not that you guys even knew it was missing but it was. Both Matt and I tore the house apart looking for it. I was absolutely sure that the boys had taken off with it and made it into a frisbee. I had even gone so far as to call the company and see how much a replacement was. $2.99 +shipping. But apparently it was hiding under some of the dishes in the sink. Since we haven't had the sheer volume of dishes lately, they've been taking some time to get done. Especially since it's mostly kids plates and sippy cups. Both Matt and I looked in the sink. It wasn't there I was positive of this... and yet there it was under the very last plate. WHOOPS! That's what you get for blaming the kids for something they didn't do!

So only one day left until weigh-ins. I've done this diet now for 7 days and feel pretty good. I've been plagued with headaches but as anyone who knows me will be able to tell you. That's nothing new. So I can't really blame those on the diet. Much as I'd like to be able to.

So all of the sordid little details are arriving tomorrow. Sorry it'll be another boring post tomorrow too. But it's one that people have told me they're really looking forward to. I think that if they see results in me, they're going to try it too. But hey it's so far been an easy diet. So I can't complain too much. Expensive but easy.

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