Saturday, May 30, 2009

Road Trip

We're heading for an over night whirlwind trip to the in-laws. And being on a diet and traveling is a lot like traveling with children... it takes a LOT of advance prep. However being a mom of 2 I should be able to handle the preparations. I mean I am the lady who used to pack her breast pump everywhere she went even camping! This should be a fairly easy.

So I pack up the powders put them all in individual snack size bags and mix in the flavorings... because we had run out of all of the good flavors and were down to vanilla which I was more than a little tired of so I'd been mixing it with a small spoon (take and toss size for those parents in the know) of instant coffee and one of cocoa.

And wouldn't you know as I was letting the cat outside here was the FexEx guy staggering across my lawn carrying 2 huge boxes and complaining about how he only delivers heavy boxes to this house. UGHH! So now I have to repack my shake supplies because I really want to bring flavors that I haven't had 5 times a day for the last week.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Yes I Really Do Clean At 10 pm

In my life I've had more than one person comment on how it's weird that I clean at night. So let me publicly defend my position.

I clean at night for the kids. Yeah let's not go into the concept that I did this before I had kids but since we're dealing with now... I clean at night for the kids. I can't get into the bathroom by myself without having a child trailing after me. And heaven forbid if I run the bath! They want in. The only way to get a bath all to myself is run the kids out and lock myself into the bathroom. Well add to the fact that I have a bathroom vent that's from the 50's and works exceptionally well. (it sounds like a dying robot banging against a tin roof) It was so bad that we disconnected it an just leave the bathroom door open if you don't mind the lack of privacy. But I don't want my kids breathing in the bathroom cleaning chemicals that make be cough and choke and wheeze. I'm 3 times their size and heavens only knows what it's doing to me... remember we want better for our kids. So I clean with the door open to vent and the window when it's not 40 below.

I also have found that the easiest way to clean the bathroom (especially the tub) is inside the tub. That way you can get all of the nooks and crannies without creating cricks and crevasses in yourself. And since I've ruined too many decent shirts, shorts and comfy pants (remember I'm a plus size munchkin. It's not easy finding clothes that fit my girth and height) by getting bleach stains on them from leaning over the tub or splashing myself. My solution? Clean in your birthday suit. Then wash thought when finished. Ta-Da no more bleach spots on my clothing. (you know you're jealous you hadn't thought of it first) And no parent wants to add to their poor kids future therapy bills by having the traumatized by seeing their parent in such a state of dishabille.

So I've found that it's easier to clean (at least the bathroom) after they've gone to bed for the night.

A Little Miffed!

I was so excited today. I got my new shaker cups for my personal hamilton beach blender... and they don't work for my blender! I did all of the research. (there wasn't any reviews on the Target site that I ordered them from) And it never once said that it wasn't compatible with my blender. It gave a whole slew of blenders that it wouldn't work with... one of which is my big blender but it didn't mention the little one.... so I thought it would work. ARRGH! Nope! I'm just a little miffed. I can take it back to the store but I can't get my shipping back and I'll probably end up having to pay a 15% restocking fee!

So now I'm stuck with not one but 2 blender cups that I can't return until I get down to a target store because I'll be darned before I ship it through the mail and pay extra shipping! Good thing I'm going to Wheeling WV this week to visit the in-laws. I just was hoping to have 2 extra cups to take with us. Which I will have... just not able to use them. And no I don't want to blend it in one cup and transfer it over. Because if I do that I'll have twice as many dishes as I did in the first place if I just wash the stupid cups each time.

Can you tell I'm mildly annoyed?

Day 8 Weigh In

Ok for those who want to know. Here are the nitty-gritty details:

Height: 62" 62" I haven't changed height since the 3rd grade
Weight: 210 lbs 204.5 lbs -5.5 lbs
Neck: 15.75" 16" +.25 Matt and I differently. He did it my way this time.
Shoulders: 46.25" 44.5" -2.25" Yea
Chest-Upper: 43.5" 42" -1.5"
Chest-Lower: 46.5" 45.25" -1.25"
Waist-at Navel: 48.25" 48" -.25"
Waist-at Largest: 51.5" 50" -1.5"
Hips-at Largest: 50.5" 48.25" -2.25"
Upper Arm- L: 15.5" 14.5" -1"
Upper Arm- R: 15.5" 14.75 -.75"
Upper Leg- L: 26.5" 22.5" -4"
Upper Leg- R: 27.75" 22.75" -5"
Lower Leg-L: 15.5" 15.75" +.25" Maybe extra muscle?
Lower Leg-R: 16.25" 16.50" +25"
Ankle- L: 8.5" 9.5" +1" Measuring problems I think
Ankle- R: 8.5" 9.5" +1"
BodyFat %: 42.6% 37.2% -5.4% YEA!!!
So all in all not bad! Not miraculous but still better showing than I've had on ANY diet or weight loss plan. I'm a little disappointed because when I was feeling down one day Matt measured my waist and told me it was 4" down... but today only .25" at navel and 1.5" at largest... Not at all what I was expecting but the other day could have been mis-measurement or a husband snugging the tape to make his wife feel better. And to keep going. But I'd rather have accurate measurements than feel good measurements.
I have not cheated on this diet. I had one small unthinking accident yesterday but... I was cleaning up after Evan's cereal that he spilled in my yoga class and trying to get back to the triangle pose... when I popped one of Evan't captain crunch berries (generic brand, of course) into my mouth... As soon as I crunched down I realized what I had done but by that time it was too late!
When I fessed up to Matt he asked me if I spit it out. Yeah that's gonna happen. I'm not going to spit in my yoga class! It's bad enough I bring my child there and all of the disruptions that he causes. Better to not have me heaving over the trash can while Ms Ginny is saying "now put your head on your knee and relaaaxxxx..."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

7 Days - 22 Days Left

I don't think this post is going to be witty. Sorry guys. Some days I just don't got it.

Here is a picture of the deadlift platform in our gym. My workout partner painted it with the design that I came up with for our logo. (yes I know it's a home gym) Matt's thinking of getting T-shirts made up. I have no idea what I'm gonna do with that many Rev's Gym t-shirts but hey.

So here I am drinking another shake. This was is vanilla that I flavored with one small spoonful of instant coffee and a small spoonful of cocoa powder. Then since it was my late after noon shake and I didn't get a chance to drink it all before dinner I stashed it in the freezer. But I didn't get to it in time it froze semi-solid. But I left it out while I put the kids to bed. Now it's that milkshake consistancy YUM!

Finally found the 2nd blender lid. Not that you guys even knew it was missing but it was. Both Matt and I tore the house apart looking for it. I was absolutely sure that the boys had taken off with it and made it into a frisbee. I had even gone so far as to call the company and see how much a replacement was. $2.99 +shipping. But apparently it was hiding under some of the dishes in the sink. Since we haven't had the sheer volume of dishes lately, they've been taking some time to get done. Especially since it's mostly kids plates and sippy cups. Both Matt and I looked in the sink. It wasn't there I was positive of this... and yet there it was under the very last plate. WHOOPS! That's what you get for blaming the kids for something they didn't do!

So only one day left until weigh-ins. I've done this diet now for 7 days and feel pretty good. I've been plagued with headaches but as anyone who knows me will be able to tell you. That's nothing new. So I can't really blame those on the diet. Much as I'd like to be able to.

So all of the sordid little details are arriving tomorrow. Sorry it'll be another boring post tomorrow too. But it's one that people have told me they're really looking forward to. I think that if they see results in me, they're going to try it too. But hey it's so far been an easy diet. So I can't complain too much. Expensive but easy.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Dishes Are So Much Easier Now

Doing dishes are so much easier now. Just wash a blender cup and go. And since Matt and I only have one blender cup each for a while (I ordered extras from Target) Clean up is necessary part of the diet. You can't just leave your cup around for the Kitchen Elves to clean it up in the morning. You still need it 4 more times before morning comes.

Some people have mentioned. "I don't think I could do this diet" This is the easiest diet in the world. Because there's no thinking. I don't count calories. I don't have to figure anything out. I just drink the shakes and eat 1 meal. That's it. My 1 meal can't have any carbs. Last night we had hamburgers. And as I pointed out to Matt hamburgers without bread is called Meatloaf in most parts of the USA. The night before was chicken and salad. I haven't felt deprived. I haven't felt hungry too much and every time I felt hungry, I checked the clock and oh it's time for another shake.

Since the start of this, the only thing I've felt changed other than a primarly liquid diet has been the snacking thing. And my energy during my workout today. I did my normal weight training... (all 3 sets of 10 except for deadlift and that's 3 sets of 5) Squats 95lbs, Deadlift 135lbs, Hip Sled 180lbs, Leg Extentions 50lbs and stairs. And that all felt normal. Then I did my cardio.... that's when I felt really weak. I did my speed bag and the bag was so deflated that I couldn't do my normal 5 minutes. So I thought OK I'll just do 10 of kickboxing instead. I don't know if it was the lack of my normal workout partner or my loss of the speedbag or what. But I was really flagging. Matt says it's because of the low carbs. But we'll see.

I Finally Understand Eyebrows!

Since I didn't work out on Friday I was feeling really guilty. Something about sabotaging this diet early on.... yadda yadda yadda. It's amazing how you can tune out your own conscience after 32 years of listening to it nag on about the same thing! So Sunday comes and Matt tells me he's taking the boys for a walk. Perfect!

So I start to get on my shoes. That is the hardest part of having a home gym, putting on your shoes and going downstairs! (who knew?) So the boys get ready and they walk out the door. And I'm anticipating a good hour of uninterrupted time. (heaven) and they walk right back inside. Apparently none of us thought to look out the window. D'OH! So Matt's looking pretty quizzical at me, wondering why I still haven't gotten the memo about the rain when I inform him I wasn't going outside I was going downstairs! OH after the lightbulb goes off he says he'll keep the boys upstairs. Yeah that'll never happen.

So I go downstairs and the first thing that happens is Evan starts to cry. He LOVES going to workout. My 20 month old child can deadlift 30 lbs. He's only 32 lbs so that's 90% of his body weight. It's kind of a big deal in the power lifting world. So Matt is super impressed. So Evan comes downstairs and we work out. I get 40 minutes of cardio in.

  • 5 min on speedbag

  • 5 min of kickboxing

  • 12 min of eliptical (there was a good song on so I stayed on til it was over)

  • 10 of treadmill

  • 8 more min of eliptical

I'm so proud of myself. This kickboxing thing takes a lot of work. Between that and the eliptical they are the biggest sweat-ers (yeah I know it's not a word) in the gym. So I had forgotten to bring workout towels downstairs with me. They were clean and upstairs and I didn't want to disturb the kids. So I just toughed it out. Well when sweat drips down your forehead it gets into your eyebrows. From there it takes a hard left (or right) turn turned away from the eyebrows! Huh! Who'd have thought? For a girl that hates to sweat I never really thought about it. I just kind of assumed that eyebrows were there to be styled and plucked when you get your hair dyed. Who knew they actually had a function? Good to know that they'll be there the next time I need them.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Temptation Comes With Fries & A Toy

Day 3-26 days left.

Today so far has been exceptionally tough. Normally on a Sunday we go to church in one town, then race to the 2nd church. So Matt normally will make breakfast for me since I'm not such a morning person and like to wake up in just enough time to squeak out the door to make it to the church on time. Wasn't there a song like that? Of course I'm not getting married so.... (Never again! No matter how many times you ask, Matt!) there's a bit of a difference.

But as I was saying, since we normally go out to lunch it was tough to not suggest one of our usually fast food grease traps for lunch and blow the diet all to smithereens. So what we did was drive through the golden arches for the kids, pick them up some happy meals and head home and make our lunch shakes. But the temptation of the golden fries kept calling my name. So I did what any sane woman on a diet would do... rise above it. And I mean that literally. I came upstairs and logged on to my trusty computer and uploaded Matt's sermon to youtube so that I could put it on our church website. Which honestly is what I do most Sundays, however this time Matt didn't come and bring me lunch during this exercise. So while I drank my boring Chocolate Malt shake and watched the kids eat their deep fried nuggets I resisted temptation.

I'm kind of taking like those famous 12 step programs.... I'm not trying to control my life for the next 28 days. But the next 5 minutes I can handle. Then let those 5 minutes spread to 10, then 15 and so on until you look back and realize a whole 3 days have gone by. I can do this!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Your Question Answered

I've had more than one person ask me what whey I'm using or what the name is.... So here it is I'm using one scoop and 8oz of 1% milk I got the 16 variety pack so I'm working my way through that. I'm also rating each one so that I can get an idea of which one we like best and order more of that. So far Rocky Road & Extreme Milk Chocolate is winning.

As for the rest of it... I'm having the hardest time of not snacking. When I pack up the boys snacks for church I'm used to sneaking a goldfish or a pretzel. Or when I make dinner, I taste the marinate to check for the spices... now I can't do that or I will have sabatoged everything I'm working for. And let me tell you, that picture of my back is heavy motivation to not go back to my old habits.

But I have been getting wonderful encouragement from you all. Now who wants to come over and work out with me? :)

Random Musings Of Day 2

Day 2 -27 days left! Made it through day 1!

My workout partner didn't show up yesterday and I was too lazy to work out by myself. Even after Matt offered to work out with me.

I just felt most blah yesterday. Every time I went into the kitchen I got more and more depressed everywhere I looked there was food I couldn't eat. It wasn't the actual replacing meals with shakes part. It was the whole I can't snag a snack thing. I made some hard candy the other day to go on top of a cake, there was a lot left over and I've been picking at it all week. And not even thinking I almost reached my hand into the box once again. WHOOPS!

I've also got this enormous headache. So I'm not really being witty today. I'm sorry maybe tomorrow. I get these headaches and they last for days sometimes weeks. And this is the start of that season for me. And I'm trying so hard not to attribute them to the diet. And really I can't because I had this headache the day before the diet started! OK enough of the whining.

Someone asked me for my opinion on the shakes. Well these aren't bad. Really, I'm not just saying that. These are supposed to be the best on the market. Matt did all of the research. The normal ones are gritty and you end up having to chew all of the sand and grit that have fallen to the bottom of the cup. But this powder is fine almost like cornstarch or babypowder, that consistency. So when you blend them with the milk or the water (I use 8 oz of milk and 1 scoop, DH uses 2 scoops and water) they really blend. It also could be the blender but even the chunks (when I don't blend it long enough) are smooth so I really don't think that's it. I also like to blend mine for longer than necessary. The reason is, is that it gives it a whipped texture. So since it's doubled in volume, it seems like you're getting more and gives it a milkshake like taste. I say milkshake like.... because no matter what you never forget you're not drinking the real thing.

So since it's Saturday and there's no workout scheduled. I'm going to laze around. Try to get rid of my headache and pretend I'm eating real food.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Stalled Out On Day 1!

Oh No! It happened. We started the dreaded 28 day diet. When I say we I mean Matt and I. I'm not gonna subject my 20 month old and my 4 yr old to a diet.

But as I was lounging on the couch waiting for my workout partner A to come over and hit the gym.... I got the dreaded text message. I'm not gonna make it today. NOOOOOOO She's the main reason I have hope this will even work! I know that I can't get down to the gym by myself, I just don't have that kind of will power. I do however have one little tiny spark of a thing going for me. I don't like to let people down. So if I'm needed somewhere, no matter how crummy I feel or how much I don't want to do it, I'll be there. But without that need of having someone depend on me.... well I'm MUCH more likely to let things slide.

So I'm gonnna try to get my husband Matt to workout with me after he gets home today. We'll see how that goes. Keep you posted.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Moving On Up & Slimming On Down

We've pushed up the date of the launch of the diet. It starts TOMORROW! GULP! So until Friday June 19th every bite that passes my lips will be monitored and documented.

We took my measurements today.

The sordid little details.

Height: 62"

Weight: 210 lbs

Neck: 15.75"

Shoulders: 46.25"

Chest-Upper: 43.5"

Chest-Lower: 46.5"

Waist-at Navel: 48.25"

Waist-at Largest: 51.5"

Hips-at Largest: 50.5"

Upper Arm- L: 15.5"

Upper Arm- R: 15.5"

Upper Leg- L: 26.5"

Upper Leg- R: 27.75"

Lower Leg-L: 15.5"

Lower Leg-R: 16.25"

Ankle- L: 8.5"

Ankle- R: 8.5"

BodyFat %: 42.6

1 1/2 Day Left Til The Dreaded Diet

You know how when you get ready for the cold water of the first swimming session of the season? You KNOW it's gonna be icy cold, but it's sooo hot outside and the water looks so cool and inviting? That's kinda what this feels like. It's lurking on the edge of my mind. All day doo doo (insert Jaws theme song here) doo doot, doo doot. I want to jump in and just go ahead and get it over with, BUT I know it's gonna be painful so I want to stall out as long as I can.

So Matt and I decided we'd start on Saturday. Because of Matt's job (he's a pastor) weekends are kind of crazy for us. So making meals isn't normally a high priorty for me anyway. Normally I through something in the crockpot on Sat afternoon and we nosh on it after church on Sat night. But Sunday mornings are normally weird. I don't normally eat a breakfast unless my sweet and loving husband manages to find time to pack me a breakfast burrito and put it on the dashboard of the car so I can eat while we drive. So this diet will actually help me in that regard. Put the shake in the blender and throw it in the car and go!

I did get the cutest blender this week. It's a Hamilton Beach Single Serve blender thing that I just throw the powder and the milk in there and blend. The top is also the lid for the cup so it's got a spout that I can just drink from. For less than $20 at Walmart. If you're thinking of this diet I strongly recomend this way to go. Otherwise you're chewing the powder clumps that are left in the bottom of the cup. (yum, NOT)

So we also managed to talk my workout partner into this diet too. I'll just call her A for her privacy. I won't be posting her measurements and Matt's will be on his own blog. If you guys want to get his side of the story. But picture day will start tomorrow. We'll take the before pictures along with measurements of all of the body parts. We'll also measure once a week so at day 7, 14, 21, & 28.

I also want to thank everyone who has given me such kind words. I'm grateful to have you all in my life. I want to thank you guys before I turn into a raging she-beast after being deprived of the ability to chew for the next month.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Dreaded Diet


I couldn't get the slideshow to load.... so this is the main picture.

It finally arrived. With some apprehension on my part and excitement from my husband... we open the box. And inside lay $150 dollars worth of protein powders and a free t-shirt. It had better give us a free t-shirt. As much money as we spent on all this stuff. Matt swears that it tastes 1000 times better than the stuff that we can get in town. And when I say in town I really mean at Walmart since that is our only place to shop! I've never even tasted this stuff and I've just committed me and my wallet to consuming this powder for the next 28 days. OH SWEET HEAVENS WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO!!! I literally got a lump in my throat as I told my husband to order this stuff. And I cried. I very rarely cry. (I rarely have a true need to cry) I see this as my only option, short of surgery that I can not pay for or justify.

The box contained:

10lbs of Vanilla Protein Powder (that's the large black bag with the word WHEY on it)
2lb tub of Banana Cream flavored Protein Powder
500 Capsules of Psyllium Husk (fiber caps)
2- boxes of a variety pack Protein Powder (16 different flavors)
Free T-shirt
And a sample pack of a preworkout drink that got taken by Matt's workout partner.
2 protein laced chocolate chip cookies. (I can only imagine what those things taste like)
So the nitty gritty bits of the diet.
Meal 1- Shake Blended. 1% Milk and 1 scoop of protein powder. (I bought one of those personal blenders just for this at Walmart) & Coffee with sugar and creamer. We're graciously calling that Breakfast
Meal 2- Shake Blended. 1% milk and 1 scoop of protein powder. Again that's "Lunch"
Meal 3- Shake Blended.... You get the idea. Do I need to spell it out in painful detail?
Meal 4- Protein 8oz & 1 cup of green veggie. (yea something I can chew) Dinner
Meal 5- Shake Blended.
Along with each shake I need to take 2 fiber capsules so that I can help "digest" all of the yummy shakes that I get to drink my fill of. And fish-oil, vitamins, and my blood pressure pills with the last meal of the day. (aren't I just the lucky girl?)
So the diet starts on Monday! Today Matt and I took the boys out to Dairy Queen for ice cream. We're treating this week sort of like our last hurrah before crackdown!

The Beginning

I was married in June on 2001. After that my life took a sudden left turn. Now don't get me wrong it was a good thing but still unexpected.

All of my life (now remember I grew up in the 80's) I totally expected to be one of those corporate gals. With the suits and the fancy office. Reality was that I didn't finish college.... didn't have the drive that was needed and in this economy today maybe that's a good thing.

So I met Matt in June of 1999. The love of my life. Not that I knew that at the time. I just thought he was funny and fun to be around. But I couldn't get him out of my head. So 2 yrs later I married him. He was in Seminary, studying to be a pastor. And that is where the bend is....

He eventually graduated and we moved to Tiny Town PA. No, that's not it's real name. I changed it for the obvious reasons. Had 2 babies and lived a very quiet and peaceful life.

Want to know the problem with quiet and peaceful? It tends to grow on you. Not in the "I can get used to this" way. Although it does that too. But more in the being able to spread out and grow way. And grow I did. And I don't mean in the soul searching finding myself way. I grew OUT. When I first met Matt I was a perfect size 10. I know that because I worked in a clothing store and all of the sizing charts said I was a straight down the line size 10. But as our relationship grew so did my butt. Here comes the embarrassing part. Now I'm a size 18! My belly looks like that of a woman who had 2 children and at least one is still trapped in side. The outside of my belly could be a road map of any metropolitan area! And let's not even talk about the rest of me. Let's just say I've let myself go.

So what am I doing about all this? My workout partner and I have been working out since 2006 (I went back and looked) Since then we've both had a child (I had a boy Evan and she had a girl) And I haven't lost any weight. I've tried more cardio. I've tried more weights, less cardio. I've tried more weights and more cardio. Now I'm up to more weights, more cardio and yoga! Still nothing. So I'm doing something drastic. (no surgery isn't an option yet!) I'm doing a 28 day almost all protein diet. (more about that later) My husband Matt and I are doing it together (always good to have support) So for the next 28 days (starting Monday) I'm going to be posting about my life on this diet.

Why should you care?? Well you probably shouldn't. Except that I'm here on my knees begging for your support. In the form of keeping me accountable and helping me to stick with the only diet I'm going to try. Please help by giving me encouraging words, (no trolls please) and keep me on track.

On Monday I'm going to publish the whole ugly truth. With pictures (if I can figure it out), measurements and the whole 9 yards.