Saturday, August 20, 2011


I am certifiably crazy! It's 1am and I woke my hubby up to ask where the hell the chili I made today was.... There's more to the story! (there's always more to the story)

I woke up with the worst migraine I've had in a while. Some I can muscle through and take meds and pretend I'm still a functioning member of society. Not this one! This was a flat on back migraine. This was a curl up in a ball crying your eyes out because all of the drugs just got laughed at by your migraine type of  headache... but it did have it's ebb and flow. So in one of my more "well" moments I decided I absolutely wanted chili for dinner, not my brightest idea I know but when you're hopped up on goofballs sanity isn't your strongsuit!

So I went downstairs to make chili... I was doing great had it all spiced and just needed it to simmer when the WAVE OF TOTAL NAUSEA hit me like a mack truck. Now from years of experience I know I have two choices.... I can either lie down RIGHT NOW or I can throw up. I chose the first option. I shut off the stove (I'm not a total idiot) and made sure Evan was happily unable to tear the house apart and went to bed.

After Matt got home I gave him instructions to simmer the chili and when I was feeling a bit better I asked him to bring me some and I stayed in bed for the rest of the day. Well I never was able to eat more than a bite or two. But the little bit I had was so yummy (if I do say so myself!) Well at 1 am my migraine broke and I woke up STARVING! So I stumbled down into the kitchen looking for the chili....

And I couldn't find it! Now I know Matt can eat.... but there's no way that he could eat an entire pot of chili in one night!! I checked the fridge, nope, the freezer, NOPE!!! So I woke Matt up. It's in the garage freezer WHY??????  So at 1:30am I am defrosting chili to satisfy a craving that I had a 2pm... Yes I am that crazy.

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