Monday, January 31, 2011

Pulling My Hair Out!

Dear Herbal Essences,

I'm very disappointed in your latest business practice. I've been buying your Hello Hydration shampoo and conditioner for about 3 yrs now and have RAVED about it! I've told my friends and extolled the virtues of your product. I've also stocked every bathroom in my house with your product. But no more. Now I have to find a new shampoo and conditioner :( When you switched to the new labels I got a little concerned. But I bought 2 bottles and found that the product hadn't changed. Well apparently you were only finishing off the last of the old stuff because when I cracked open this new bottles of both shampoo and conditioner today was I disappointed!

The once familiar smell of coconuts was replaced with that of crayons! Then when I looked at the bubbles that the shampoo made instead of being a rich lather of white lather... the bubbles had an eerie blue tint. Almost like you had to add an extra dye to the product that stayed after it lathered up. But I used it and it did it's job. I wasn't thrilled but I could live with it. No so much with the smell, because I have small boys and the shower is the only time I get away from the smell of crayons but I could cope if the product still worked.

Until I used the conditioner. I have very thin hair that knots and tangles very easily. I have tried a lot of products that have left me unhappy that either don't work, or that cost an arm and a leg. So I have happily bought your Hello Hydration conditioner for at least 3 yrs because I've not only enjoyed the scent, but it's actually WORKED! Now it doesn't do either! The coconut and orchid that is claimed to be on the front of the bottle is no where in the scent... and I spent about 10 minutes trying to get the tangles out of my hair.

So I guess my question to you is... was it really worth it to lose your loyal fan base? Do you have any plans to change your formula back? Because of your actions I will forced to find be find a new shampoo and conditioner.

Your Once Very Loyal Customer,
Kim Holbert

Friday, January 21, 2011

Talk To Me Doc!

Have you ever walked out of your Doc's office more confused than when you walked in? Happens to me all the time. I've been to hundreds of doctors, all shapes, genders, ages, race, and it always happens. They give you an exam, diagnose your condition using technical terms, write a prescription; then walk you to the front desk for a follow up appointment. HUH? What just happened? Do you remember the name of the condition? Sure it's easy if it's something you've heard of before... high blood pressure, overweight, high cholesterol, migraines, rosacea but what about if its a new one. One that's not got a snazzy new ad on TV? I had that happen to me the other day. It's as if they don't realize that I don't have a medical degree.

I don't have the time or interest to go to 8 yrs of medical school . I really appreciate that they have, don't get me wrong! But when I get diagnosed with something I want to know what it is! I go home (if I can remember the name) and look it up on the internet. I've been in the exam rooms, I know what doctors think of patients who look up info on the internet... I've been there when they mutter comments about "self diagnosing" and "think they can do a better job!" or even the sad head shake and the gentle reminders that you "shouldn't believe everything you read" But what other option do I have? When was the last time your doctor sat down and talked with you about your conditions and potential repercussions? Yeah you know if you don't lose weight you're at risk for a heart attack... But what happens if you skip one of your blood pressure meds? No one has ever explained that to me. I've learned by reading on the internet or by cause and effect. They know... but they don't have time to talk.

Now on the other side of the coin I KNOW they're over worked, underpaid and under appreciated. I'm not trying to start that discussion! I'm just saying that if you want me know what's the right thing to do... have your secretary/assistant send me a hyperlink with good quality info on my condition... or tell me. And if you don't, you can't complain when I look it up by myself. Give me a printout with the do's and don'ts of what I should be doing. WRITE down the NAME of the rash that I have on my arm so I can look it up for myself if it's just cosmetic or not... don't just write me 4 prescriptions and tell me I don't really need them. But here they are anyway, what do I do with those?

I've had some exceptional doctors. In this last year, I've gotten my migraines under control, which is something that hasn't happened in the last 10 yrs. So this is not a criticism of my primary care doctor or any one doctor. But please, help me to help myself!